You’re sitting next to the ocean. An occasional wave laps upon the sand and reaches for your toes. You enjoy the sensation and decide to stand in the water. You relish the gentle movement and slight pull of the water as the waves recede. You take a few steps more. The water tries to pull you deeper.
Do you go deeper?
Do you retreat to the land?
You take a few steps more. The water rises and falls around you. The chill of the water sends a current of sensation to the roots of your hair. The water tries to pull you deeper.
Do you go deeper?
Do you retreat to the land?
You take a few more steps. You're awareness of the strength of the water as it increases. You hesitate. This is so different from what you were feeling. The shock has disappeared and you’ve become accustomed to the feeling of the water on your skin, but you begin to lose your footing. The water tries to pull you deeper.
Do you go deeper? Do you retreat to the land?
As the waves begin to build, you anchor your feet into the sand. A wave crashes against you. The force of the water knocks you down demonstrating it’s power. You stand up again and try to still maintain control of where you stand when you are knocked down again. You are no match for the power of the water. You are suddenly aware of your helplessness. You realize that you are not in control. The water tries to pull you deeper.
Do you go deeper? Do you retreat to the land?
You have a deeper understanding of the strength of the water. You have a respect for it’s power. Your curiosity is peaked. You want to experience more. When your feet can no longer touch, you experience a moment of panic. Yet, instead of sinking, you find that you are carried by the water. You are able to rest in the arms of the ocean. The rise and fall of the water is a comfort. Past the line of the crashing waves, the sea is calmer. You are content yet again.
A sudden movement of the water and you are submerged. Quickly you resurface, but with a new awareness of the depths beneath you.
Do you go deeper?
Do you retreat to the land?
Not completely satisfied, you decide to explore. There is more to this that you’ve yet to discover. Although you’re not moving against the water, you begin to exert your own energy and dive deeper. You begin to actively venture beneath the surface. You do not know what it is, but you know there is more and you are compelled to move. The mystery of the deep is irresistible. You go under again and realize that you cannot stay there for long. You come back up for air. You’re discouraged.
Suddenly a huge wave comes and tosses you back to the sand. It seems unnecessary and it’s unexpected. You thought you were beginning to understand the ocean. You felt connected. Now you feel betrayed.
Looking around you realize that next to you on the sand is an oxygen tank, mask, flippers, and a wet suit. Immediately, a man approaches you dressed in diving gear and extends an invitation to dive deeper with him. He helps you put on the gear, and then he begins to walk towards the water. Turning back to you he simply says, “follow me”.
Do you go deeper?
Do you stay on the land?
Do you desire to go deeper with God? Check out our upcoming Discipleship Training School.