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Mountains Meet Lake

Our 1st Mission Adventures

Sanerivé Fuiava

July 9th, 2018 our team arrived in Nanaimo with a calling and conviction that God wanted to start a YWAM ministry in this city that trains and mobilizes people into the Great Commission. Now one year later we have finished running our very first program called Mission Adventures! And it has been our honour and joy to receive and host our first team from the Yarrow Mennonite Brethren Church in Chilliwack!

Mission Adventures is a short term outreach program for youth groups that YWAM plans and facilitates. We take care of housing, food, transport and training so that leaders can focus on seeing their young people activate their faith and passion for Jesus. Our team came alongside this group of young people to impart a passion for Jesus and show them a lifestyle of missions as they reached out to our local community.

There are many types of settings for Mission Adventures but our first launch, we decided that we wanted to host an urban outreach and bless Nanaimo. By partnering with local churches and ministries we set up service projects, street evangelism, homeless feeding program, prayer and worship that the young people got to engage in. We were all so impressed by the teams heart to pray and serve in every area. It was encouraging to see these young people eager to encounter God in new ways and share His love with Nanaimo!

Thank you to Sarah and Blaise for putting up your hands to say “yes” to taking on Mission Adventures, driving to San Francisco to get training and planting it here in Nanaimo. Thank you to Josh, Alexis, and Davin for bringing your amazing youth group to Nanaimo! Thank you Graham for your years of service with Mission Adventures in Victoria and asking us to pray about starting it. Thank you God for leading our team and encouraging us in the midst of a whirlwind season!

We also want to extend a special thanks to the churches and our ministry partners that helped us equip and mobilize young people for God’s purposes here in Nanaimo:

Click here if you would like to learn more about Mission Adventures.

YWAM Nanaimo Logo
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