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Mountains Meet Lake

COVID-19 UPDATE June 4, 2020

Sanerivé Fuiava

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

Update to our YWAM Nanaimo Community:

Thanks to the overall compliance of BC residents and the tireless efforts of BC provincial officials, the infection rate of COVID-19 within our communities has dropped enough to begin reopening the Province.

As of May 19, restrictions have begun to lift and BC is rolling out a reopening strategy over time and phases. Currently Phase 2 is underway, with more available health services, retail, restaurants, parks, office buildings, childcare and more, provided that social distancing measures are in place. There are four phases in total and as long as the infection rate of COVID-19 remains low, Phase 3 will be between June to Sep and there is no determined time for Phase 4 which includes international travel. As for Vancouver Island, there hasn’t been a new COVID-19 case since May 7.

This month, June, we have staff returning and new staff joining YWAM Nanaimo from within Canada. Some of our international staff are tentatively returning/joining this fall, depending on when the Canadian government will open the borders for non essential travel. Other than limiting our ability to receive international staff, these travel restrictions and local restrictions directly impact several areas of our ministry like the DTS, Mission Adventures, and Tuesday Night Worship to name a few.

However, now that we have a core group of our staff returning this will mean that we can return, though differently, to some of our ministry engagements in our local community. After facing such uncertainty, instability, loss and suffering, more than ever, we want to serve and bless our community by sharing the ultimate and exclusive hope found in Jesus! Details to follow soon.

We have appreciated all of your prayers and support!


Sanerivé & Tessa Fuiava

YWAM Nanaimo Directors


Here is a link to the current condition across Canada.

Here is a link if you would like to read more about BC’s reopening strategy.


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